Fashion Spy – New Custom Blog
November 16, 2009
24 hours Special Offer – Xtreme blogs – Only 3 spots!EXPIRED
November 28, 2009We have a new and fresh Xtreme blog for you to check. It caters to dating needs, specifically for those that enjoy and look after the company of native asians. It covers relationships advices, culture and language tips, advices and articles. As custom blogs design goes, this one ended pretty nice in our humble opinion :)
Another thing to consider for all our custom blogs- we did not
We have provided a nice incentive for readers in order to get them to subscribe to blog list. You can check it by yourself once you subscribe, of course:)
Here is an image of the opt in page: :
And one final look of the site if you’re too lazy to visit :)
A few Features:
- Customized footer and header
- Autoresponder integrated through opt in
- Adsense integrated-not active yet
- Twitter integration
- Content based on keywords researched
- Unique article wizard as extra content source
- Onlywire plugin with associated account-bookmarks automatically every post
- Custom theme features
- Additional support blogs
- And more…
Support blog- it has a nice feature, we let you to discover it :
Live : Asian friends
For the rest of the features, feel free to look HERE