Xtreme Blogs System – March Sold Out|Updates|Waiting List

Opt in email list building with blogs – Xtreme Blogs System
February 25, 2010
Xtreme Freelance – new look – do you like it?
March 29, 2010
Opt in email list building with blogs – Xtreme Blogs System
February 25, 2010
Xtreme Freelance – new look – do you like it?
March 29, 2010

We want to thank you all our readers and customers. We have accomplished a lot in the last 5 months since we doing this, and we want to express our gratitude to our friends and supporters. We just hope that we can accomplish all what we plan for this year because our plans are really big :)

First, some updates:

  • We have sold out all the spots available for march, and most importantly, we sold the new Gold Offer almost without effort. With this results, we will try to update teh offer with new services and goodies as soon as possible.
  • We have added our self-hosted autoresponder and mailing system. This is big because it allows us to have control over all the aspects. Another scripts are in testing. A few SEO scripts will be available for members to check their blog performance and to help in this effort.
  • We are working at a forum with dedicated member/client section. W ewill however make some sections freely available to all who wish to join.
  • New custom design blogs are in the works right now , you can take a peek to one that’s almpost finished dealing with websites traffic
  • We are also working to update this blog design, theme and features, we will try a new look soon. A new Xtreme Blog System logo design will be also unveiled soon :)
  • Once we aproach the launch we will start making the tarnsition to a membership system. All actual and past customers have FREE lifetime memebership to express even more our gratitude. So, join teh waiting list to have this chance for yourself!

To make it easier for anyone interest in a new custom blog from Xtreme Blogs System, we have started a list. You can subscribe to it below and you will be announced when new spots will be available. You will NOT receive any other kind of email from us, just the free spots announcements. We would not promote any products or try to sell yoiu anything, so feel free to join the waiting list below

Thank You


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