Custom blogs secrets

New Xtreme blogs Videos & Poll – Vote and Win!
December 10, 2009
Xtreme Blogs System – The New Holiday offer is live!
December 23, 2009
New Xtreme blogs Videos & Poll – Vote and Win!
December 10, 2009
Xtreme Blogs System – The New Holiday offer is live!
December 23, 2009

With a new blog online every second or less, is time to consider what are the most important factors to make your blog successful.  That means to really dominate any niche you are into and of course to make money out of it – after all, that is a measure of your success. We call this a custom blog because everything you do is customized to maximize your chances.

So, let’s see the 3 most important factors you need to consider before starting your own custom blog:

  1. Custom blogs research and planning – Maybe the most important step, not so many of the fresh starter are doing it, at least not properly. Is not anymore the time when you could just put your blog online and visitors poured. Now most subjects are or were already used. If not, chances are not so many are interested in what you want to present them. So, what is left is to define a smaller niche from your main interest where competition is not that stiff and make sure you dominate that. We are not going now into details, come back and read our blog, we will cater to this in detail later on.
  2. Custom blog design – Contrary to your first instinct, a great looking blog does not necessarily makes a lot of money! The reason its quite simple – the more distractions you offer to your readers/visitors, the less will they be concentrating on your money making offer, whatever that is. Of course, a bland looking blog will not appeal at all to them, the real secret here is balance. Any webmaster should experiment with the blog design elements until is good enough for visitors and money-making offers
  3. Custom blog content – There is no easy way here – if you want readers, you should write for them! No spinned article, RSS feed fetch or PLR will ever appeal to human visitors. At least not to those that can be faithful and return (remember you should build a list with any blog you make OR you are certainly loose a lot of revenue!). Of course automatic content can be used if you plan a blog that can do with really low quality traffic, but this is another issue. For the purpose of this small piece, just remember you should provide your readers with content that you will read-if you’re not happy with it, just don’t expect others will.

So, now you you know what to expect if you try to start your own custom blog. This is just a starting plan to help you with  your own custom blog, you can find details about this scattered over the net. However, you might want to save time and money and let us really help you with your custom blog. Take a look at our offer.

Post a comment on this and let us know what area you’ll want explained in detail first.

P.S  We  have a really great offer in place – Xtreme Blogs Offer

If you order one now , you can have 2 blogs made for the same price! ONLY for the first clients! Click the link above and check it!

1 Comment

  1. bluealbina says:

    mmm … is this offer still available?

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