Free Goods Of The Week – Creative Market – Oct. 24
October 25, 2016
Valuable Tips to Help Your Social Marketing 6
October 28, 2016In sales, chasing down new leads and hunting for new business is the most obvious way to boost sales. But it’s not necessarily the smartest approach for winning more sales. In fact, most salespeople can get so caught up in looking for new customers that they totally ignore their greatest asset — their existing clients.
Sometimes, the single best way to make more sales is to leverage your relationships with people you’ve already done business with. Sounds pretty simple, right? Not so fast.
Call with a purpose.
Your clients are busy — and so are you — so don’t waste your time or theirs by calling up an existing customer to casually check in. Instead, bring value to your clients by telling them about a new product or service. When you call with a purpose, your clients will appreciate your taking the time to reconnect.
Take them out to eat.
What one trait does every single customer of yours have in common? They all have to eat sometime. Clients love being treated to breakfast or lunch. Even the most unavailable and hard-to-reach clients will suddenly respond to your messages when you offer to take them out for a meal.
Send them a birthday card.
With social media, it’s easier than ever to find out someone’s birthday — but that doesn’t mean your competitors are using this to their advantage. In some cases, you may find that you’re the only person to send clients a birthday card, aside from their mothers. A birthday card is a quick and powerful way to go the extra mile and engage your current customers.
Send them a note.
Many salespeople rely solely on phone calls and emails to communicate with their customers. Instead, drop a relevant article or book in the mail with an accompanying handwritten note. Something as simple as, “Hey, John, this article made me think of you,” or “I thought you’d really enjoy this book,” can quickly engage your clients and keep you at the forefront of their minds. …
Link: Ways to Leverage Existing Customers for More Sales via www.entrepreneur.com